Wednesday, February 6, 2013

My Beloved

My Beloved,

You are the very air I breathe.  I yearn desperately for your presence.  I look at the clouds in the sky and I see your handiwork.  I look at the brilliance of the stars and see your fingertips at work.  You are Holy.  Holy.  Holy.  My lord God almighty.

Jesus I am your servant.  And I thank you that you call me friend.  I want to love those you love.  I want to serve those you serve.  I want to speak the things you speak.  I want all my body, mind, and soul to serve you forever. 


My holy beloved, where are you so I can come to you???

You captivate my soul!  I want to be with you forever.  You’ve filled me up with life itself.  I cannot live without you.  I cannot survive without you.  I NEED YOU!!!

Fill me up my King!  Fill me up my LORD!  Fill me up my FATHER!!!


Live THROUGH me!  Let my body die so you can live in me!  Let my flesh die daily so your Spirit can work and dwell in me!  Let us commune together!

Come and let me worship you!  Come and let me sing your praises!  You are SO GOOD!!!  Let your GLORY remain on me!  Let me be a light for you!  Purify me! 

Purify me with your FIRE, with your Spirit!!  MY beloved!!! HOW I LONG FOR YOU!!!

Life without you is so empty!!  ITS EMPTY!! You are the filling, you are what I’ve always been missing!  Its you!!

Oh my savior, hold onto me.  Let me feel your great loving arms around me.  I can do anything with you!  When I can feel your presence with me I can stand against anyone and anything.  I can do anything with the wings of your righteousness!