Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Forget about HWJV

Unless you have been living under a rock lately you know that politics, especially with the upcoming midterm elections, is on everyone's mind and tongue. I myself have really been drawn into it thanks to Glenn Beck's show on Fox. I think a lot of other people who usually don't pay attention to politics are getting interested because our country's unemployment rate is staying so high and so many people are out of a job.

I've always been very opinionated about politics, having been brought up on conservative values. But lately I've been trying to approach my political views from a faith perspective and I've been having some trouble... What Would Jesus Do --- or rather How Would Jesus Vote? Now obviously I know that realistically Jesus would want us to focus on spreading the gospels. When Jesus was alive he wasn't involved in politics and when questioned about it (about paying taxes to Caesar) he pretty much responded be a good citizen and obey the laws.

But what I'm trying to iron out is this, if you are someone who tries to follow Jesus example, what would that look like as it spills over into your political views? Now I've been conservative most of my life and recently more specifically libertarian because I want smaller less powerful government and more protected liberties for citizens. I don't like the government getting involved in the private sector and our personal lives. So here is where my internal conflict is... if I believe something is morally wrong, does that mean I should want government laws ENFORCING morality? To me, that sounds dangerous. But at the same time I imagine society would be much better in a situation like that.

To my knowledge from reading the Gospel, Jesus never pushed for right and wrong to be enforced through the Roman Government. It was quite clear he wanted people to decide themselves how to act, not to be forced into it. Does that mean he didn't care? No, it means he wanted them to have the freedom to choose. He wanted them to have the ability to choose life or death through accepting or rejecting him. He never told his disciples to force people to believe in him. So this leads me to think that a government should protect people's freedom to choose right or wrong. Problem with this is if you go extreme, you do away with laws against murder, theft, and all sorts of crime. So where is the line? Conservatives tend to want more government laws that enforce this type of morality. Problem with this is if you go extreme, you start seeing laws enforcing religion. Religion HAS to be a choice. It cannot be forced on anyone.

For example: I don't think the government should EVER have a law that businesses have to be closed on Sunday. That's enforcing religion. God never tells us to enforce our religion on others, but rather, to be an example for them. "A light of the world"(Matthew 5:14-16). There's a huge difference there.

So HWJV? I think he's already voted! God already gives us (humans) the freedom to choose good or evil, right or wrong. While there are consequences for actions, God doesn't strike down people who sin. He lets them choose sin if they want. Why? So that they have the freedom to instead choose him. So God already gives people freedom to do right or wrong.

So with that as my foundation I'll expand on what my views are now. Just as God gives us the right to choose (the freedom to choose), I think the government needs to give people the freedom to choose. However, I do think that people need to be given the right to life and the pursuit of happiness. So in order to protect that life, there need to be some basics. There needs to be laws that enforce no murder, no violent crime, no rape, no theft ect ect. So sure, make laws against actions that hurt other people, but other than that I'd say "Government, leave it alone!"

This would include things that I am against! For instance I am against gay marriage and I believe it is a sin. However, that sin does not hurt another person. The government shouldn't be involved on the morality of it. Is it a sin? YES!! Does it hurt the foundation of marriage? YES!! But people should have the freedom to sin, as long as it doesn't infringe on another person's freedom of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. God gives us the freedom to choose poorly, even terribly. I think the government should reflect God a bit. I'm sorry that this might offend my fellow Christians but sin should be legal. God needs to be the judge of sin, not government (man). If you get all caught up in the fact that not having those laws means we are giving sin the "ok", thats nonsense. Is God giving sin the "ok" when he gave us the ability to choose it? NO, of course not! Well neither would the government be in that situation.

Trust God to be the judge, not the government. Know that there are earthly consequences for sinning and its up to each person to decide for themselves. Its not the govt's job to stop people from sinning, it is however, the govt's job to protect people's life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. (not happiness itself) If this ruins your hope that someday the united states would be a perfect...God fearing...righteous...non sinning Nation. Then you need to GIVE IT UP! That will NEVER happen until Jesus returns! Stop depending on the government for what only God can do!

So examples of common conservative topics and where I stand?...

-Gay Marriage: Should be legal
-Abortion: Illegal (babies life needs protecting)
-Murder: Illegal
-Prostitution: Legal
-Gambling: Legal
-Using Drugs: Legal
-Intoxicated in Public (including driving) : Illegal (endangers others' lives)
-Health care/Financial Reform: Do away with it
-Violent Crime/Sexual Crimes: Illegal
-Welfare: Do away with it
-Government Education: Do away with it (let private sector take this one)

This is most closely tied to Libertarian views, so that is how I'll be voting.

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