Thursday, March 10, 2011

No Updates?

Ok so I've been pretty lousy at updating my blog ever since I started work again. I just am so fricken busy that when I get home (about 10ish) I'm just about starving, then I pass out....

So blogging time has been cut down alot. Basically since I started back at work again God has been spoiling me and lavishing me with blessings. While I still don't feel back to my full self as far as my sales presentation, I've been doing extremely well. My store hit and then maxed out budget for the month (huge deal) and people have been buying from me despite my rusty skills.....all I can say is that when I depend on God he always comes through!

I actually have had a few customers comment on my Bible (I bring it to work when I'm at a slower store) and my Christian Fish tie clip....all very positive. I even had one customer who just straight out bought after he asked me what I was doing reading a Bible and I told him it was my life manual.

Funny thing how God works...I talked to the guy and he ended up calling me dad to ask for financial advice. Turns out he has some big bucks and is retired. Overall I'm feeling very satisfied right now. God has really given me a platform to lift up his name and this time I won't squander it. I've been telling everyone who asks me about my success that I trust in him and he comes through for me.

It feels wonderful to finally give Him the due praise and glory he deserves. I don't ever want to steal it again....because I know deep down where all my blessings come from.


  1. Hey Chris I know you don't know me from Adam but I work for MF and have been checking you (Your Success) out since you have been back. I am very impressed by what you are putting up. I often wondered what you were doing to be that effective but now I see. There is nothing better than uplifting the name of God. If He is with you who can be against you. I also speak and uplift God and He is blessing me as well This will be my third straight month maxing budget. I am at 760 in Henry Co.... Brian

  2. Hey sorry took me awhile to respond to you! Haven't checked my blog in quite some time. Thank you for your word of encouragement! Glad to hear of others trusting in Him! Many blessings to you Brian!!
