Saturday, August 11, 2012


Religion without Jesus is evil.
Church without Jesus is empty.
Laws without Jesus are harsh.
Love without Jesus is selfish.
The Bible without Jesus is despair.
Christians without Jesus are briars.
The World without Jesus is lost.

HE is everything.
HE is everything.
Everything that is was made by HIM.
Everything that is was made for HIM.
No one knows God without knowing HIM.
No one knows the Father without believing the Son.

So many claim God but reject HIM.
They are condemned.
So many claim to be full but reject the Bread of Life.
They are starving.
So many drink from the fountain of the World.
They are poisoned.
Find HIM and you will never thirst again.

Churches lift up the Scripture.
But its all about HIM.
Churches lift up the Law.
But HE set us free.
Churches lift up the Spirit.
But the Spirit glorifies HIM.
Churches judge the world.
But HE died for the world.

The true Church isn't an institution.
She is HIS Bride.
She is spotless because HE washed her.
She is righteous because she knows HIM.
She is joyous because HE loves her.
She loves others because HE overflows her cup.
Her only desire is to be with HIM.

HE is coming back for HIS Bride.
The wedding feast is being prepared.
The earth groans in anticipation.
YOU are invited.  All are invited.
But you have to know HIM.

Forget what you've learned.
Does HE know you?
Forget who you are.
Does HE know you?
Forget what you've done.
Does HE know you?

Because HE is not coming back on a donkey.
HE is coming back on a stallion.
Because HE is not coming with words of repent.
But with a sharp Sword.
HIS face will not be soft and meek.
But with eyes like flaming fires.
HE is not coming back poor and homeless.
But as reigning King.

HE alone has right to judge.

Many will claim to be HIS Bride.
Many will claim to be HIS followers.
Many will try and enter the wedding feast.
And will say: "Lord, Lord...did we not do many works in your name?"
And HE will say: "Depart from me...I never knew you." (Matthew 7:22-23)


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