Sunday, August 19, 2012


I don't know what to write, because there is so much I could say.  There is so much I want to say.  But I have to be careful with my words.  So for him who has ears to ear, hear this.

I just got back from the Mighty Men of God Leadership Conference.  It was put on by my Uncle Paul and the Lord used him mightily.  The presence was there.  I can see that God is getting his Bride ready. I think that he will in many ways use this conference to impact the leaders of the Church.

It was also great to learn about all my heritage.  I learned that, like my Grandfather, my Great Grandfather was an Evangelist.  He spread the gospel in Syria back in the 1920s, and actually started a Church in Palestine (before it was Israel).  I learned that his parents were Hungarian Jews who most likely were killed in the Holocaust.  I learned a lot of my family history that I won't put down here.  But I will try to put up a few pictures of them from my uncle's study....

All those things were great.  But the real thing that impacted me during this trip was none of those.  How do I say this?  Fire.

FIRE.  There is a mystery in the New Testament that is hidden in plain sight.  And it can't be seen with plain sight, it must be seen with the Spirit.

I learned the reason why 2 years ago my life changed.  And also my brother's life.  We had the same experience, although at the time we had no idea what it entailed.  I had inklings but no substance.  Musings but nothing concrete.  Well there is nothing more concrete than the Word of God.  And in the scriptures I was led to the answer.  Fire.

I have been burning non stop for almost 2 years now.  Anyone who really knows me has seen it.  Commented on it.  Felt it in some way.  What's different? What's wrong with me?  I've always been a Christian...what changed?  Why am I so hungry that I am starving for the word.  I am so thirsty that I can't stop drinking in his presence.

Supernatural joy and peace.  Faith abounding like it never has before.  I've walked with Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior since I was a boy.  But now I am on fire.  Its all about the Fire.  2 Years ago I was set on fire.  And I haven't stopped burning since.  And its glorious.  I never want it to stop, and I know it won't.

I'm only going deeper into his Presence.  His Presence is everything.  Its real, tangible, and can be felt.
I am honored and so unbelievably joyful that last night my brother and I set my dad on fire too.  We didn't even quite grasp what we were doing, going out on faith in what the scripture said.  We just obeyed.  And all day today I could feel the heat from him.  Revelation after revelation unveiled before all our eyes.  Power now available in massive quantity.

My dad is changed, he is on fire.  And not only that, but that fire healed his back.  Miracle.  I've now seen and witnesses a miracle with my own eyes.  I can testify to that and witness that the Master heals.

"...By His stripes we are healed."  Isaiah 54:5

Its not just a nice thesis or notion.  Its truth.

The Bride must be purified by Fire before His Return....and this fire is wonderful and glorious.  I want everyone to have it.  I also want EVERYONE to know Him!  He is wonderful and he is LIFE.

But I will tell you a mystery that's been revealed to me.  If you are seeking the answer you will find it.  Jesus said we must Believe and be Baptized.  Believe on whom?  Jesus Christ.  Baptized in what?


Acts 8

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