Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Acting for Christ

So I got hired by the Christ Acting Agency! .... just kidding.
This blog is about a question that I haven't been able to answer for myself.

How can I act and glorify God at the same time...what does that look like?

Well for one thing I don't have many role models to look up to. Kirk Cameron maybe? I mean Hollywood is a mean nasty non-christian type of place. So being that I love acting, I've really been just racking my brain on this subject. Because lets get one thing straight, I love acting but Christ does and always will take first place in my life. I'll choose him over anything. But its not always so clear what that means in the details.

Ok so some things are obvious. I'll go extreme here, I wouldn't ever want to act in a movie where its glorifying Satan. Like as I'm playing a demon who works for Satan and the movie is about how he's not so bad. Ok crazy over-the-top example but I had to start somewhere. It seems to me that there are two aspects to consider. One, what is the message that the movie or show gives and is that something that God would approve of. Secondly, what is the role I'm playing...am I playing a role that goes against the things God would approve of. I have to consider the fact that by playing a role, I am in many ways a role model advocating that character.

So if I'm playing a pimp in some light hearted comedy, then people will see the movie and laugh ect ect but the message I'm giving is subtly this: that a pimp is harmless and nothing too wrong with that lifestyle. I mean this might sound absurd that no one would think that, but subconsciously when we as a society see something made "light of" over and over again it begins to become accepted. I don't want to be a part of that. BUT, what about a shady type character in a movie with a GREAT message. ---As in the movie is about how terrible this person's life became because of their mistakes and sins ect. In that case I'm playing a role that isn't godly but the message delivered is...so what about that? Or , what about the opposite, say I play a very good character of moral standards but the movie pokes fun at him and the message is something akin to ---don't live like this guy. See? Confusing.

Here's another extreme (can ya tell i like extreme examples...) what if I was playing the DEVIL himself in a christian movie about the salvation of Jesus Christ! I mean talk about the worst possible role in the best possible movie! What then? The movie could lead many to Christ but I'm frickin playing the devil! That can't be good, or can it? This is why I can't figure this one out. I've prayed about it, and I don't feel peace about any of it yet.

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