Friday, November 26, 2010

1 Year Mark

Well soon it will have been one year since I quit my job at Mattress Firm. Seems strange...working there seemed so much longer ago than that but at the same time it doesn't feel like a year has gone by.

I originally quit because I had an awesome opportunity to work with my dad at Merrill Lynch...but afterwards that didn't work out and I decided since I had some savings I should try to go for my dream of acting. Began taking acting classes, doing plays, and some small extra roles in film/tv. Now a year later I reflect and I can't help but think that I'm still no closer to my dream. Sure I'm ten times better at acting from my class, and I have some more experience....but I don't feel any closer to getting actual paying roles.

Though its probably my own fault, I know the next steps I need to take...get professional headshots and get an agent. Its sad--I used to have so much money that I could have afforded headshots no when I need them money is so tight. I've been trying to save up for some. Once I do that I have an agent in mind who I'll approach.

I did find out that I was actually a member of SAG as a baby (my mom had my join to be in some commercials) so its possible I might actually be able to join it easily once I need to! That's a blessing for sure. SAG isn't easy to get into from what I hear.
I used to have a motorcycle....and I had a girlfriend back then, its hard not to miss her. But I have also gained much in that time. I know I have a much better relationship with God, and that's kept me from any sort of backwards pining stuff. I'm just really ready for this to start. I'm ready for... something to happen. If God wills it, it'll happen.

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