Thursday, November 11, 2010

Power Prayers

Lately things have been really good. It seems like my whole family has really taken ahold of the fact that we can pray for God's blessings and he really answers. There have been so many answered prayers lately, and I know that the reason for it is the way we've been praying. We've been praying differently lately...

Instead of asking God for things because of what we "think" we deserve or even our motives, we ask because of what God said. Its so different. I used to pray for things and I'd put a caveat in my prayer that kinda this because I promise to do good with it....or answer this prayer because it will help me....or give me this blessing so I can glorify you. But now, I instead will put in my prayer....don't do this because of me, but do it because you said or promised it in the Bible. And I will actually quote a verse in my prayer of where he said or promsied what I am asking for.

Praying like this has been POWERFUL.

Because of this my family and I have had so many prayers answered and its really strengthened our faith in God's ability. We pray more often now about more things because we know that he answers.

Here's an awesome example: My mom has been out of a job for the past year because of the injury she sustained at her old job LA Fitness. Without getting into the legal mumbo jumbo, she's had an outstanding Workers Comp lawsuit thats been just drudging on and on. Meanwhile she hasn't been able to find work and money's been getting tighter and tighter. Well yesterday we all decided to pray together about it on the verse John 14:14. We prayed that God would finish up her settlement. That same day after we prayed her lawyer called and said the settlement was now near completion and all that remained was negotiation!! Today we got together again and prayed on a verse in Isaiah (i should remember which but i don't) that said how God stands up and fights for his people. We prayed that the amount awarded in the settlement would be a huge blessing. 5 minutes later her lawyer calls her and said its finished and the amount was WAY more than she was expecting!!! Praise God, he really does hear us and answer prayers in faith!!

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