Thursday, December 2, 2010

Hidden Fees

So I find this pretty ridiculous... I went over to the new(ish) gym by my house called "Just Fitness". I was very interested because its much closer to me than LA Fitness and advertisements said only $10 a month with no hidden great! Sign me up!

Or so I thought...
I walked in and got the tour, nice enough place-they even have a cardio/movie theater in there. So the guy sits me down to go thru his little sales pitch routine which I was a bit annoyed at...was just thinking SIGN ME UP. Then he goes over the HIDDEN FEES.

Ahem, hidden fees. Didn't the ad say no hidden fees? Well there was a 199 enrollment fee that had been conveniently "marked down" to 99. Listen bud, I was in retail sales, I know how this works. Then he tells me there is an annual "maintenance fee" of $50. .... I asked maintenance of what and he goes, "well of the gym of course". Riiiight. You know what, just call it what it is, a hidden fee. Do these marketing departments think that we're all just idiots?

Oh no sir, that's not a hidden fee, its just a fee that you didn't know about. Oh ok, in that case I'm ok with long as its not one of those HIDDEN fees.... pffft. Lame!

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