Thursday, December 16, 2010

Very Odd

So I was just thinking about some stuff the other day... We all grew up in a world where technology is normal. I remember growing up and my parents getting their first computer. They had no idea how to use it or set it up. So as an eight year old I figured it out, set it up, and even connected our printer to it. I think we can all relate to how quickly we all figure out new phones...text But here is the thought that grabbed my attention....

Does anyone else think its odd....VERY odd that for thousands and thousands of years civilizations had nearly the same technology and then very recently (I'd say probably starting in the Industrial Revolution) we have this EXPLOSION of knowledge and advancements in technology? The problem with grasping this is that its so normal to us. We can't imagine a world without our cell phones. But if we are objective and take a step back and look at human history its extremely odd.

Now I know there are a few exceptions to how ancient Egyptians built the pyramids or how the Mayans had a super understanding of stars and calendars and such....but you have to admit that a pyramid....while really advanced, has absolutely NOTHING on an not even close. Do we think its because our generation, or the past few generations of human beings are just SUPER smart? That all of the sudden we became brilliant? How arrogant. I've read a few books by guys written a century or more ago and they were just as smart as we are, in fact sometimes they seem smarter. We can't attest it to that in my opinion. I mean, if you were put on an island and started a new civilization, could you even come close to making an iphone? How about a microwave? How about a car? Sure if someone had the knowledge to make these things beforehand and was put on an island they might do pretty well or come close with enough time, resources, and man power....But what about YOU? Someone without the current knowledge of how these things work? From wouldn't happen. That's what I'm getting at. Where did this sudden knowledge come from? Seriously.

Galileo was brilliant. No laptops from him. I'm sure there were even smarter guys back in the time of Egypt...Babylon...the Aztecs...the Mayans... And this idea that science just keeps "building on itself" and that eventually it reaches laptops and stuff isn't really sound because it was pretty much the same for thousands and thousands of years. Otherwise there should have been a slow increase. We should have had cars hundreds of years before streaming HD movies on mobile devices. In ancient Mesopotamia they used animals for travel. Thousands of years later early Americans .... used horses for travel. THE SAME. Sure there were a few differences in agriculture or whatnot but basically the SAME OLD TECHNOLOGY. Then suddenly in the span of a little more than only 100 or so years we have super sonic jets, atomic bombs, global instant communication, space travel, microwaves, ect ect..... Does no one else find this Extremely odd??? What the heck is going on here!

People have NOT gotten suddenly smarter in the last few hundred years, I guarantee you that. So how is this mega explosion of knowledge and technology happening?? Seriously, ask yourself that. And its not slowing down, technology is progressing at a TREMENDOUSLY rapid pace. I predict in thirty years we will have technology that my generation couldn't even have fathomed...when we are getting close to retirement with college aged kids and all that....we won't even believe it ourselves. And our kids will think it normal. Well STEP BACK, because its not normal!

....its just that everyone who could have told us this isn't normal is dead. Those previous generations who lived their entire lives without any major jumps in any technology whatsoever are not around to say....hey guys, this is NOT NORMAL. And maybe our kids won't even believe us either. "Son, you take for granted that you can stream your college lectures wirelessly into your brain, I used to have to go to class and hear people explain it to me in words and take notes with a pen and paper."

Whats the answer? Here is my opinion:

But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time; many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase. (Daniel 12:4)

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