Friday, December 24, 2010

Too Much Nog

Santa turns into Satan by moving one letter over...
Learned that the other day, heh. Christmas time is here and I just love it. I remember lots of previous Christmases where I just didn't "feel it". But this year I really do and its very nice. My family just had our Christmas Eve tradition of having take-out chinese food for dinner. Don't laugh, its a tradition we've done since I was a baby...not an afterthought. Christmas Eve just wouldn't be the same without Lo mein...

Meanwhile I'm super stuffed, had an entire thing of cookies after dinner and tomorrow should be a food festival to give even Thanksgiving a run for its money! Huge lunch with Dad and the fam then over to Mom's for the famous Prime Rib Dinner that Tom makes once a year...eggnog...pumpkin pie...haystack cookies. I'm gonna be enormous at this rate. Its scary what two days of just being a complete glutton will do to your body, I feel super bloated. Gonna hit the gym hard for sure after this.

Oh yeah, one thing I wanted to mention tonight in my blog. I've noticed a pattern this week, especially today. People are either in a super good mood or bad mood. There's no real in between. For example, the lady at the store was super happy and joyful...the lady at church giving out hot chocolate was a complete grumpy grinch... I guess the holidays really press people in one direction or another. And I'm sure the people in lousy moods are super annoyed at all us happy people. Too bad =) Jesus died for me, so I get to be happy. Those are the rules.

Oh and one more thing...have people COMPLETELY forgotten how to drive all the sudden? Have they had too much eggnog today or WHAT? I almost got hit like seven times today because everyone is all over the road. I think people on holidays turn their brains off sometimes.


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