Monday, October 25, 2010

Getting Connected

I've really been trying to get connected lately. I really enjoy being around people and lately because of circumstances I've been doing a lot by myself. One thing specifically I want are more christian friends. Its strange to think that pretty much all my life I've only had like one or two christian friends... that just seems strange to me.

Its like ever since I was little whenever I started to really get connected in a church my parents would switch to another and I just became used to never connecting to anyone. Throughout grade school and even through college I really had no friends who shared my faith. And while I have no objections at all to having non-believing friends I realize now that I really don't have many people outside my family I can talk to about spirituality. Which makes me sad.

So I took the awkward plunge recently and I joined a small group at Buckhead Church with a group bunch of guys. Its been really nice talking to people in my stretch of life about God. In fact I feel like I have definitely missed out from not always having this. And now I realize its def no coincidence that I was denied this at earlier times. It was calculated. Nonetheless never too late to start building those good relationships.

I even went to a singles Fusion gathering tonight. I was really worried it would be very awkward but I actually met a lot of nice guys and girls. I'll absolutely go to the next one. Its kind of weird when people ask if I'm new in town (because I don't know anyone) and I never know what to say, because I'm not new to the church, been going to North Point Church campuses since middle school. I'm not new in town, been in Atlanta since I was I never know what to say. Not new. Just tryin to get connected!

I have to confess that lately thoughts of my ex-girlfriend have been floating around my head. Its really hard not to miss her. I still can't look at any pictures of her, too hard. Probably a good thing that she un-facebooked me and cut off all contact. I just hope she doesn't hate me for breaking up. I mean I really loved her but I knew deep down we weren't right for each other. Hard situation, I hope she understands one day and forgives me. And here comes the real shallow part of me -- I hope the next girl I date is at least as beautiful as she is. Can ya blame me? I was with a Russian princess, basically. /sigh Must block out those thoughts....

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