Friday, October 22, 2010

Omelettes are Evil?

Had a good day today, woke up and made some great stock trades thanks to my prayers. There is absolutely no way that I could pick stocks that well if not for God. So made a little bit of money. Then went to meet up with my scene partner, Vivi, from acting class to work on our scene.

Its interesting to me that I'm at the point in my acting career where I can almost completely get into my character and forget myself. Its exhilarating. Especially since its between two young lovers. Without the training I've gotten I don't think I would have been able to kiss someone and be sincerely affectionate without laughing or blushing. So progress is being made!

Had an interesting conversation with her about abortion. As she got me started on the subject I learned something about my views. See--I'm a pretty strong Libertarian and I am completely against the government taking ANY freedoms away from its citizens. I'm all about freedoms of the people, and thus, for a long time while my stance on abortion has been that its morally wrong, I didn't think the government had any place making laws about it. To my defense, I don't want the government making ANY laws about religion except to protect it. The freedom to practice your religion in peace....

BUT -- then i realized, since I believe abortion is murder of an unborn child.... anti abortion laws protect the liberty and freedom of the child. I'm all for that. I think its surprising that in our country its punishable by jail if you destroy an eagle egg but if you destroy a human egg (embryo) its just fine and peachy. (thx for reference glenn beck)

However I will still say that the mixing of religious laws and government laws is dangerous. The only religious laws that should be made into government enforced laws are those that enforce the inalienable rights that God gives us. So then we're left with the obvious ones, aka Bill of Rights.

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