Thursday, October 21, 2010

Pirates arr Bad

So the other day I was thinking about how much of the things we own now are media/software type stuff. It used to be that the majority of the stuff my generation owned was stuff like CDs, video games, VHS movies, sporting equipment ect. But these days most of the stuff I own is more intangible. Computer software, mp3s, movies in digital format, apps, ect. What struck me as odd is how "ok" everyone is (include myself on this) with stealing now that stuff is more intangible.

I mean think about it. Anything that you have to pay for retail-wise that you somehow obtain for free is stealing. For instance, I'd never ever think about breaking into a music store at night and stealing some of their CD's but I have many many times downloaded mp3s off p2p programs like limewire and napster illegally. But the reality is that THIS IS THE SAME THING! I mean cmon, do we all think that in the stealing CD's example that the store and music producers would be mad only about the physical cds themselves? Duh, no. Those are super super cheap, its the media on them that has value. So in essence we do the same thing but in this case its very hard to be discovered.

I mean I myself have used these p2p programs to download probably hundreds if not thousands of dollars of media over the past 10 years and I even used IP Blocker programs to cover my tracks! All without even realizing or accepting the fact that I was stealing. I think I was trying to blind my own self from the truth. Software piracy is stealing. Downloading mp3s without paying for them is stealing. Using bit torrents and the like is stealing, and I think we all do it without really thinking about it. I mean its so common. Even more so in Asia from what I hear.

I don't know how I went all these years without coming to this realization. But the truth is the truth. And the truth sucks, haha, because its sooo hard to pay for something that you can steal so easily without anyone finding out. But in your heart you know, and God knows too for that matter.

So I say if you're gonna stay a digital "Pirate" and steal media online and the the very least ADMIT to yourself that you are stealing. Don't try to rationalize it (oh those companies make millions, they won't miss a few bucks here) You can't rationalize away stealing. If we continue to steal, we have to be honest and admit at least to ourselves that we are Pirates.

And not the cool Johnny Depp kind, the low life criminal evil kind.

Arrr matey's! I'm abandonin da ship!

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