Sunday, October 31, 2010

So I fell...

...Out of a plane!! I did it, finally went sky-diving! After all the years of saying one day I'd do it I now can say I've done it. Really, there are no words to accurately describe it. Its amazing, surreal, adrenaline-pumping, but peaceful all in one. Literally heaving my body out of an airplane at 14,000 feet is something I'll always remember and I got to do it with one of my best friends, Kevin.

The wind rushing up at your body is the first real sensation. Its like putting your head out of the car window while driving down the highway x10. Its so loud as the wind rushes by that I couldn't even hear my own yelling. Then after what seems like forever (really 50 seconds) the chute is pulled and the real G-forces kick in. The actual fall didn't really have any G's, quite peaceful. But after the parachute came out it became a roller-coaster like sensation as I started flying it around. I had a good instructor who remained calm through the whole thing for me. Steering the parachute really allows for some massive G's, though, after landing I was glad I didn't pass out, seriously. They told me lots of people do from the G's after pulling the chute.
Scariest plane ride EVER, such a tiny plane with no seats so we're all just laying down. The ascent was like the worst roller coaster "click-click-click" ever. Kneeling on the edge of the door right before the jump was ... insanity at its most beautiful. You're first thought is, "Whoa, beautiful view"...quickly followed by "No way am I actually going to fall out of this door," ....followed by "AHHHHH---ahhhh----WOO". That was pretty much my thoughts. Needless to say I prayed almost the whole time on the plane ride up, haha. Best answer to prayer ever (I lived).

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