Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Why blog?

Ok, so the "big thing" to do right now is to have a blog. I've been avoiding making one because it seemed so cliche and why would anyone want to read my thoughts anyway? But after seeing how much joy my mom has gotten from starting her blog ( ) and since I do enjoy writing I figured I could use it as my personal journal.

If anyone gets some enjoyment from reading them, then great. But know that I'm really just writing these for myself. So why name it Freed in God? Well I like to make puns, and I figure its a good one since I'm a Freed and I have the Holy Spirit of God living in me from my faith in Jesus; and also there is great freedom in knowing God and having a relationship with him through Jesus so....yeah so that's my attempt at creativity.

So what will I be putting here? Probably mostly random thoughts, situations that go on in my life, and a lot of my growing faith in Jesus. I really feel that I've been seeking God lately, more than usual. I've been a Christian from the first moment I could really understand anything, but kind of fell away from it all in high school and college. I had (and really still have) almost all non-believing friends so it was easy to fall away. But within this past year, since I quit my job at Mattress Firm and especially since I broke up with my ex-girlfriend I really have felt God pulling me back to him.

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