Friday, October 22, 2010

Science, Math, and God

OK so awhile ago I had thought. Like a really really big thought. I told my mom about it and she thought it was pretty profound and told me to write it down so I wouldn't forget it. Well I've almost forgotten it, so I'm going to do my best to remember it and write it here. Hope it makes sense somehow, its kind of a complicated subject.

Here goes...

So I had been thinking about the school of thought that a lot of scientists have. The universe, the earth, and all creation is random chance. Everything just matched up perfectly in physics so that we exist. I could write an entire blog about that topic alone, but believe me when I say that the mathematical odds of that happening on its own isn't great. You could Google it if you like, its fascinating. Anyhow, scientifically it is possible though.... or is it? Is it mathematically possible? This was my train of thought when I kind of stumbled on what I think is an epiphany.

Statistically....Nothing Should Exist and Nothing Should Ever Happen.

Does that sound absurd? Follow me down this rabbit hole, lets see where it goes. How can I say that statistically nothing should ever happen? I mean we see stuff happening constantly. The Universe is happening. Well let me use an analogy to explain kind of what I mean that nothing should ever happen.

Lets say that you are sitting on a park bench and you decide to toss an acorn. You toss the acorn and it lands somewhere. Lets say it landed exactly 5 feet from you. What were the odds of it landing in that spot? Well this can get tricky and I promise I won't get too mathy on you--- but if we assume that the maximum distance possible given that amount of force applied to the toss is 10 feet and the minimum is zero (say it slipped), then what were the odds of it landing right at 5 feet? 1 out of 10? No, because that assumes there were only 10 spots, in fact we now have to find out how many possible spots there were that it could have landed in. Lets call that "Z". When we find Z, we know that the odds were "One out of Z" right?

Here's the problem. Z is infinite. But wait, that can't be right, how can there be an infinite number of spots, shouldn't it stop somewhere in the millimeter measurement or something? No, technically not because lets say we have a perfect machine that can measure from the first atom in the acorn to the first atom in the park bench. In that case is there ever going to be a situation where we have a defined number of possible spots? No, mathematically we can always go halfway from the first spot to the second spot, and make a new spot in between. In essence you can always divide by 2 to get another spot. ALWAYS. So that means between the maximum of 10 feet and us there are INFINITE locations that the acorn could have landed in....

1 out of infinite is undefined...meaning it won't happen. You can't divide a number by infinity, because the answer nonsensical. So actually, the acorn shouldn't land anywhere because any exact spot is statistically impossible. But, we don't ever think that way, we are so used to stuff happening; like the acorn landing somewhere, that our thinking is warped and we always assume it's logical for things to occur.

If that didn't make sense, let me use an easy example. If you win the lottery and you find out that only 10 people played. It's not too surprising. If 10,000 people played, well that's pretty special that you won. If 1 billion people played, well its almost supernatural that you actually beat out that many people. If 100,000 billion people played, its unfathomable. if infinite number of people played, then its impossible that you won. Well that's what we deal with everyday in our existence. Things happen. Anything that actually happens shouldn't happen. You can replace the Acorn Analogy with any known thing happening in our reality and if you go down to the math you realize that it shouldn't be possible. So if an acorn landing somewhere is that statistically impossible then looking at how our planet formed and our brains and the perfect balance of gases in our atmosphere there is no question that it even more so should never have occurred nor should it exist.

Before I go further, here is a common argument to this thinking that seems logical. "Well, something has to happen, if you throw the acorn is has to land somewhere!" I think this logic is actually faulty, but since we are so used to observing it in our everyday experience we accept it. Forget experience, think logically. Just because you threw the acorn doesn't mean it should land in any one spot, because after it lands in that spot it has achieved the impossible. After landing, something impossible just occurred. Why didn't it land in the infinite other spots? How is it that it didn't land one billionth of a millimeter to the left? And we are only talking about a 2d landing spot, factor in 3 dimensions and it really gets crazy. Factor in time (4th dimension and its insane) Is it really logical to think something impossible will always happen? .... Because we all do, everyday only because the impossible DOES always happen in our experience. That's the only excuse.

So if you understand how anything and everything is impossible, then how is it so that we see these impossibilities happening every second of our experiences? Here's my answer, and I actually am going to go into a little Quantum Mechanics to explain it. If any bored scientists have wondered onto my blog and are now reading this sloppy explanation of Quantum Mechanics, please excuse me. Here is an excerpt from on the subject:

In quantum mechanics, the observer and the system being observed became mysteriously linked so that the results of any observation seemed to be determined in part by actual choices made by the observer.
They have proven through rigorous experiments that someone actually being aware of a subatomic particle, changes its properties. That should blow ....your...mind. What that means is that the things that we consider to be our reality...the stuff that makes up atoms, actually CHANGES due to observation!!! This is not science fiction, I recommend that you pick up a book on quantum physics, fascinating stuff. In fact much of quantum mechanics explain how your Ipod works, so don't write it off as theory mumbo jumbo. Ok so back to Observance changing reality. What is observance? Its Conscience Thought. A rock wouldn't count as an observer. Somehow consciousness actually changes reality on a subatomic level. Mind over Matter isn't just a nice slogan anymore...

Now lots of people took this and ran a crazy direction when they discovered this. They came up with "The Secret" and the Law of Attraction and basically a lot of jargon saying how people can control the universe with their thoughts. While there might be a tiny speck of truth to this (and I do mean a speck), I want to take this much further and in a more expansive direction.

For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together (Colossians 1:16-17)
Scripture is very clear that God is literally, not figuratively, holding everything together. And now we put all the loose puzzle pieces together. We have consciousness because God created us in his image(Gen 1:27). Just like we are conscious beings, God is a conscious being. So how do impossible things happen every second?... Something is making them happen. Well since consciousness changes reality it could be the culprit... Quantum Mechanics give support to that. But who could possibly have enough Consciousness and Power to support the INFINITE amount of possibilities going on and make everything happen? God. No one else could. God's consciousness allows the acorn to land somewhere even though it statiscally shouldn't have happened. He allows possibilities out of the infinity to be singled out and occur in reality.

So here is where we have arrived. Statistically, nothing should ever happen. Nothing should ever happen in our universe. Quantum Mechanics show us how consciousness changes reality. The bible tells us that God holds all things together, all creation. God's consciousness literally holds reality together and accounts for the reason why we take for granted the fact that THINGS HAPPEN. Science is slowly discovering God.

If you took the time to read through all that, kudos to you, b/c I know I can have trouble explaining it. Now just reflect; isn't it absolutely incredible? God is literally holding the universe (reality) together consciously, as in the same way you can consciously think of a red apple. (bet you just pictured it didn't you!) So its not some far out figurative way in which he's somehow in control of things the way a school principle is somehow in control of the school. No no no, its so much more direct! The same way a baby is literally held up by its mother, God holds up creation.

--Tomorrow I'll write a bit on a scary mind shattering kind of thought I had after realizing this...I'd write it here but I think I'd be pushing on novel length if wrote anymore--

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